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 Nethercote Hall exit lamp:

An exit lamp made from a repurposed oil tin with the word “EXIT” cut out of the metal. Red glass highlights the wording and it was probably backlit with a candle. It was made for use in the Nethercote Hall.


From the earliest of days after European settlement, "making do" was a familiar aspect of Australian life. People had to learn to adapt and improvise for even the simplest of things with whatever was available. This resulted in a culture of inventiveness and ingenuity where nothing was wasted and imagination turned out that which was needed or wanted with what was at hand. The Nethercote Hall exit light is a fabulous example of how our forebears recycled long before the term was fashionable.


The exit lamp is in private ownership.




© Angela George. All rights reserved.


Images © Angela George. All rights reserved.


PO Box 400

Eden, NSW



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