Former Hotel Australasia, Eden:
A landmark building in Imlay Street for more than a century, the Hotel Australasia was the last of Eden's nearly two dozen hotels to be constructed and the most recent to close its doors.
Mrs. Sabina Pike paid £500 for the one acre allotment that would become the hotel site in late 1904, reportedly the highest price for land in the township for a forty year period. Local media reported on her intention to build "...a large up to date hotel..." on the block and by December 1904 she had awarded the construction contract to Mr. John Hines. With plans to erect a two-storey 43-room brick structure "...on up to date lines...", it is believed that she took the bold step in anticipation that Twofold Bay would become Australia's federal port.
At that time, the search for Australia's national capital site was continuing and with Southern Monaro sites such as Bombala among the favoured options, Eden's business people and residents were looking positively towards the Bay being established as the federal port. Newspapers as far away as Lismore commented that Eden would be elevated to a rank of "...prominence..." and the hotel's name, stature and quality reflects this time of considerable local optimism.
Contractor Hines established brick kilns near the town cemetery in late

Map of Twofold Bay with proposed works shown in red.
Courtesy of the Federal Capital Proposed Sites Map Collection, National Library of Australia.
1904 to take advantage of the onsite clay and it was here that the Australasia's bricks were burnt. The same year, he also erected a saw milling plant north of Lake Curalo, utilising the ready supply of timber there for the hotel. In December that year, local media commended Mrs. Pike for her "...enterprise and energetic action..." in undertaking the extensive development and later the same month, Mr. W. A. Robertson was granted the first license for the Hotel Australasia.

John Hines.
Image courtesy of Cheryl Moore. All rights reserved.
John Hines.
Image courtesy of Cheryl Moore. All rights reserved.

Sabina Pike, winner of the Pambula District Hospital Queen's Competition fundraiser, 1923.
Image courtesy of Julie Fourter. All rights reserved.
Work on what would become one of the district's premier tourist accommodation centres commenced in December 1904 with the marking out of the foundations and Mr. Hines' workmen began carting "...large quantities..." of bricks to the site. January 1905 saw the laying of a solid concrete foundation and Hines' kilns were in "...full blast..." turning out the bricks needed for the building. Providing employment for "...quite a small army of men...", the ground storey was completed by mid-April 1905 and by July, the roof had been put on. Wunderlich pressed metal ceilings, described as "...neat and handsome...", were fitted, giving
"...a light and airy appearance to the whole of the rooms...", much of the flooring had been laid, staircases were ready for installation, and with brick work on the parapet completed, plasterers were busy adding a "...very attractive design..."
By August all upstairs rooms had also been plastered, and downstairs was "...undergoing similar treatment...", while the front balcony was nearing completion. Within a fortnight the rear had reached a similar stage and an arched vestibule at the main entrance presented "...a very pleasing effect..."
Occupying a "...commanding position..." overlooking the ocean and bay, wide balconies and verandas at both the front and rear took advantage of the glorious views.
The Eden Observer and South Coast Advocate noted many details about the newly completed building - its forty-four rooms, including twenty-five bedrooms;​ two large dining rooms; the "...handsome..." kauri pine staircase; six foot deep concrete and brick cellar under the public bar;​ and a"...spacious aviary..." boasting Australian native bird species "...many of great interest to the student of natural history and attractive to all persons...". The article concluded that "Altogether the Hotel Australasia is a very fine building...having an imposing front and situated in a position of

Hotel Australasia, C. 1912.
Image courtesy of the George Family Collection.
attractiveness. Mrs Pike has not, apparently, spared expense in placing in her new hotel a superior lot of furniture, which accords well with the style and finish of the building." Eden's "...handsome addition..." was a "... credit to the contractor...and an ornament to the town..."
Opening its doors in early January 1906 under publican Mr. W. A. Robertson, Sabina Pike had taken over the reins by the following month and was to remain so for almost two decades. A divorcee with a wealth of experience in the hotel trade locally, "Aunty Pike" as she was fondly known, had previously operated Eden's Commercial Hotel with her former husband James during the 1890s, before taking over as publican of the Great Southern Hotel for at least a decade. It was only when the Australasia was nearing completion that she relinquished that position.
With glowing reports in metropolitan papers, the Hotel Australasia was soon attracting a notable clientele, including politicians and other public figures. During his 1907 tour of the region, Australian Governor-General Lord Northcote and his vice-regal party were entertained at a public banquet at the Australasia and spent the night as guests of the hotel. The following year NSW State Governor Sir Harry Rawson and his daughter toured the region and were also treated to a banquet entertainment at the Australasia. Expressing his admiration of Twofold Bay's beauty, His Excellency said that he "...anticipated a great future in this district, and felt sure that from what he hadseen of it, his good wishes for its prosperity were ere long be realised." By 1909, Mrs. Pike was advertising that the hotel was "Under the Patronage of his Excellency Lord Northcote, late Governor-General of the Commonwealth of Australia, and his Excellency Sir Harry Rawson, late State Governor of New South Wales...", while the 1912 edition of the Illawarra and South Coast Steam Navigation Company's Illustrated Handbook described it as " of the finest hotels in the State."
Aunty Pike's Australasia was the venue of choice for

A page from the 1912 edition if the Illawarra and South Coast Steam Navigation Company Handbook.
Courtesy of the George Family Collection. All rights reserved.
local functions, including public farewells, birthdays and fund raisers. In 1916 she was advertising the "...large airy rooms..." and "...commanding magnificent panoramic view from front and back balconies of ocean and bay...", noting that coaches met all steamers and boats and launches could be arranged for visitors. Mrs. Pike was continually updating and improving the Australasia - in 1911 she "...had considerable improvements effected to the Hotel in the way of addition lighting..." with gas illumination laid on to all sides of the building making it " of the best lighted on the coast..." Later the same year, Mr. F. Kellsall "...thoroughly renovated..." the taproom, and with automobile travel gathering popularity, a motor garage had been added by 1912. In 1916 a "...fine motor repairing pit..." of sleepers was constructed by Mr. C. Gandon and electric lighting was installed in 1922.
In June 1923, Sabina Pike's license was renewed by the Eden Licensing Court, but the following month, after almost two decades at the reins of the Hotel Australasia, local media reported that Mr. H. B. Gunter (or Gunton) of Melbourne had purchased the property and goodwill as a going concern. With the new owner taking over in July, the township farewelled Mrs Pike, who was leaving to take up residence in Sydney, but the following year she purchased Mr. Frank Dawson's "...seaside home..."and returned to Eden.
The business remained popular with locals, tourists and visitors alike - during 1929 NSW Minister for Agriculture Harold Thorby and his ministerial party

Above: Hotel Australasia, C. 1920s.
Courtesy of the George Family Collection. All rights reserved.
were publicly entertained at a dinner hosted by the Australasia, while in 1938, English, Scotch and Irish representatives of the British Empire Rifle Team stayed there en route from Melbourne to Sydney.
In 1925 David Bourke purchased the property from Mr. Gunton. No new comer to the business, he had been Mrs. Pike's "...right hand man..." at the hotel for more than a decade before leaving the area briefly to run Adaminiby's Australian Hotel. Returning to take up the reins at the Australasia, he wasted little time promoting his business as "The best place to stay...", noting the "...superior accommodation and cuisine..." as well as mentioning the "Vice-Regal and other Distinguished Patronage..."
Under his management, the Australasia underwent further renovations and extensions. In 1925, Mr. A. Mawson completed additions, including "...two large bathrooms upstairs..." and constructed an underground water tank to enlarge the hotel's supply. Three years later, Messrs. Bray and C. Gandon undertook exterior renovations to the premises.
In 1929 Bondi's George Impey took over and in the wake of American author Zane Grey's interest in big-game fishing at nearby Bermagui, local potential began to be explored. Keen to see the sport developed from Twofold Bay, Mr. Impey made a standing offer to reward the master of the first fishing boat to bring a marlin into Eden. The challenge was answered in 1936
when Sale (Vic.) angler Mr. W. A. Borthwick landed a 240-pound Black Marlin from the deck of the Dorothea and the local boat owner and master Art Goulden found himself collecting the £5 reward. By 1946, hotel proprietor Lance Robinson was promoting Eden's "...famous fishing...", offering launches for hire and during the 1950s, advertisements in Melbourne newspapers for the Hotel Australasia were referring to Twofold Bay as the " resort of Australia..."
1937 saw further improvements carried out and in 1941, what was referred to as "...extensive works..." were undertaken, including alterations as well as the addition of four new bedrooms erected at the north-western end of the of the building.
Young orphan Coral Mary Bell was also part of the extended Impey family, living with them at the Australasia and attending the local St. Joseph's Catholic School. After joining the Australian Diplomatic Service as a Diplomat Cadet in the Department of External Affairs, she went on to become one of the foremost academic experts on international relations, crisis management and alliance diplomacy. Dr. Coral Bell AO died in 2012 and in 2015, the Australian National University's College of Asia and the Pacific renamed their School of International, Political and Strategic Studies the Coral Bell School of Asia Pacific Affairs. Recognised for her contributions, former United States Secretary of State and National Security Advisor Henry Kissinger wrote, “The Australian scholar Coral Bell has brilliantly described America’s challenge: to recognise its own pre-eminence but to conduct its
policy as if it were still living in a world of many centres of power”; Denis Healey, a founder of the International Institute of Strategic Studies, observed with Coral Bell in mind that “from the middle 50s Australia has contributed more to international understanding of defence problems than any country of similar size”; and in his 2003 Boyer Lecture, Professor Owen Harries spoke of Bell's “ability to cope with and enjoy flexibility” and said of her work, “there is nothing simplistic or crude about her analysis”.

Mr. Borthwick with the first swordfish caught out of Eden, 1936. The rod and reel that he is pictured holding are now in the Eden Killer Whale Museum's collection.
Courtesy of the Eden Killer Whale Museum.

The kitchen gardens that once occupied the Australasia's back yard. One of the two little girls pictured in centre is Coral Mary Bell.
After almost a decade, George Impey sold out to Andy Graham, following which there was a rapid changeover of publicans. Mr and Mrs. J. King had taken over by September 1940, but disposed of their interests in the business that month to Mrs. Julia Dingle who installed Mr. E. Ritson as manager. By the early 1940s, Lance Robinson was in charge, followed by Mr. Winrose who became publican in 1942. The following year, Mr. George Moore purchased the hotel lease, but by 1945, Lance Robinson was once again behind the bar as publican.
Despite the business occupying a central place in the heart of the community, Eden residents were not averse to taking action against publicans if they felt their interests were not being considered. Such was the case with both the Hotel Australasia and the Great Southern during 1945 when the town's two hotels were declared "" during an open-air meeting attended by a group 60 and led by one of "...the principal trawler owners..." Alleging overcharging and not adhering to opening hours, a deputation waited on the publicans in an attempt to secure agreement with their demands, but upon receiving a reply that the hotels would carry on as usual, pickets were set up to " for defaulters..." It is believed that this may have been the catalyst that led to the establishment of the Eden Fishermen's Club.
Lance Robinson, together with by Eva Chapman and Miss Roberts, remained in charge and in 1954 it was noted that alterations to the tune of £23,000 were under way. Then, in 1958 as he was preparing to quit the business, it was reported that Robinson had spent around £40,000

Hotel Australasia advertising card, C. early 1940s.
Courtesy of the George Family Collection. All
rights reserved.
during his time in charge.
It was around this time that the building underwent major alterations that saw the original facade replaced with a concrete slab veranda and front steps downstairs, suspended concrete balcony with rendered brick balustrade upstairs, the whole topped with a suspended concrete parapet. Certainly, by 1960, the building was being described as a "...two storey cement rendered brick structure..."
In June 1958 Towamba farmers James ("Jim") Love and his wife Irene (fondly known to many as "Mum" Love) purchased the property but although they took over the following month, the couple's reign was short lived. After Jim's death that same month, Irene returned to Towamba and Robinson and Chapman again took over. They remained until 1960, when ill health forced Lance to relinquish his position, and Peter Cesco took over in April that year.
George and Agnes Bennett followed in 1962, followed by Arthur Meehan and then Douglas Patience for a period of three months in September 1965 followed by Michael Newham in December that year. Douglas Patience returned in October 1966 and in November it was reported that further alterations had been undertaken including a bottle shop. At that time a 16 unit motel block was also in the course of construction.
After Moores Eden Holding Pty Ltd took over in 1971, licensees included Edward Ryan, Wallace Wilson, Doug Patience again and Maurice Jones. Patrick Nugent became licensee in 1974, followed by Brian Horner in 1975 and Stanley Francis (Frank) Stanmore in 1977. An Australian and NSW rugby league five-eight great of the 1940s and '50s, Stanmore played representative football in 1947, moving to Sydney to play for the Western Suburbs. A member of the club's 1948 grand final winning team, he was selected for Sydney and NSW that year, but despite being also selected to join the Australian national team tour of New Zealand, didn't play a test match as result of a dispute between his former club at Cessnock and Wests. During the 1950s he was selected to play in the victorious Australian team against Great Britain during the Ashes series; represented both Sydney and Australia against France and played in the 1952-53 Kangaroo tour of

The tradition of hanging patron's catches from the veranda continued for many years.
Courtesy of Jenny Drenkhahn. All rights reserved.
Great Britain and France, playing in four tests and captaining the Kangaroos to victory in seven out of seven matches. Although retired from professional football by the time he arrived in Eden, there is little doubt that he would have fitted in well with the town's avid rugby league tradition.
Dennis Murphy took over the license in 1980. Other licensees over the years included the Parkers, Jim and Noni Greenhill, Larry and Betty Galloway Brian and Dawn Linklater, John Crosby, Donna Shannon and Dennis Lees, the Slater family and finally the Taits, who held the license when the historic venue closed it's doors without warning on 23 May, 2010.
© Angela George. All rights reserved.

Courtesy of the George Family Collection. All rights reserved.

Courtesy of Angela George. All rights reserved.

The Australasia's remnant historic fabric.
Approximate location of site.
References and bibliography:
Adelaide Mail
Australian Town and Country Journal
Ballantyne, Kathy, pers. comm.
Bega District News
Bega Standard
Bennett, Mick and Vicki, pers. comm.
Canberra Times
Chester, Kerrie, pers. comm.
Dunn’s Almanac, 1921
Eden Magnet
Eden Magnet and Pambula Voice
Eden Observer
Eden Observer and South Coast Advocate
Freeman, Peter, pers. comm.
George, Allan, pers. comm.
Geraghty, Lesley, pers. comm.
Gibson, Gail, pers. comm.
Giovanelli, Pip, pers. comm.
Gippsland Mercury
Gippsland Times
Grimwood, Allen, pers. comm.
Harris, Lee Jane, pers. comm.
Henry, Geoff, pers. comm.
Illawarra and South Coast Steam Navigation Company Illustrated Handbook, 2nd edition, 1912
Korner, Joanne, pers. comm.
McDonald, Margaret, pers. comm.
Melbourne Argus
Miller, Christine, pers. comm.
Mitchell, Bronwyn, pers. comm.
Moore's Almanac and New South Wales Country Directory, 1930
Narandera Argus and Riverina Advertiser
Northern Star
Pambula Voice
Ralph, Brett, pers. comm.
Raymond, Pat, pers. comm.
Smith, Jennifer, pers. comm.
Stanmore, Frank, Wikipedia entry,, retrieved 14 April, 2013
Sunday Herald
Switzer, Denise, pers. comm.
Switzer, Simon, pers. comm.
Sydney Morning Herald
Turner, Tania, pers. comm.
Twofold Bay Magnet
Vogt, W. Stanley, Picturesque Travel: Princes Highway Bairnsdale to Bega, Bairnsdale, ND: [C. 1915/16]
Whiter, Allan, via Robert Whiter,pers. comm.
Whiter, Peter, pers. comm.
Whiter, Robert, pers. comm.