Chinese market gardener’s timber yoke:
Formerly used to carry baskets of produce around Pambula in the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
The Chinese gardens in Pambula were located on the corner of the Princes Highway and Sandy Lane on the Flats; and . near the site now occupied by the Colonial Motor Inn. There, an assortment of fruits and vegetables were grown which were peddled from house to house, using small handcarts or baskets suspended from wooden yokes such as the one pictured here. Pambula's Chinese population lived on their garden allotments. Among those who are known to have lived in the town at various times were Willy, Wey Lee, Ah Kee, Ching Pong, Ah Tin Gut, Joe Ah Yup and Lambie.
There were a number of Chinese communities throughout the local district.
This yoke is in private ownership.
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