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Weatherboard cottage, formerly Kennedy's, Pambula:

The block of land at 16 Quondola Street was originally purchased by James Dunn who arrived in the colony as a convict.


Although the exact date of construction of the small weatherboard cottage that now occupies the site is unknown, it was probably before the 1880s. Often referred to as Kennedy’s, it is evident in many early photographs of the top end of Quondola Street. Another small weatherboard building stood alongside and the pair formed part of a residential and business complex. 


The building's early history is unclear, but according 

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Kennedy's cottage (left) and commercial venue (right), C. 1940s.

Image courtesy of the George Family Collection. All rights reserved.

to some sources, it may have been used by Sir William McKell’s father prior to him taking up the premises at 47 Toalla Street, although this remains unconfirmed.


By around 1912, Arthur Kennedy was living in the cottage and running his bicycle sales and repair business from the adjacent building. He was noted as the owner and occupier of the “timber building” marked on a 1939 plan of the township. 


After Mr. Kennedy’s death in 1968, the building became the home of Mrs Wally Smith. Its use continues variously as either a business venue or residence through to the present time.


It is significant as a relatively intact example of 19th century vernacular weatherboard architecture. It retains many of its original exterior features and is an excellent illustration of the many small weatherboard cottage-style buildings once common throughout the township, but which are now becoming increasingly rare. It makes a valuable contribution to the aesthetic character of Pambula and to the Quondola Street heritage precinct.


© Angela George. All rights reserved.


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Kennedy's cycle store in the background, C. 1940s.

Image courtesy of Anne Savage. All rights reserved.


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Kennedy's cottage, 2006.

Image © Angela George. All rights reserved.


​References and bibliography:

  • Cole, William, pers. comm.

  • Dowling, Terry, pers. comm.

  • George, Allan, pers. comm.

  • George, Angela, Pambula District’s Built Heritage – A History, unpublished study, 2006

  • Pambula Voice

  • Plowman, Suzannah, Urban Design Guidelines for Pambula Commercial Area, Bega Valley Shire Council, 1994




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