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Eden's Australasia Inc. working bee, 25 September, 2016.

A keen bunch of volunteers putting some love back into  Eden's grand old lady.


Sunday morning 25 September dawned bright and sunny for Eden’s Australasia Inc.’s first working bee.


Although a bit on the breezy side, about eighteen keen volunteers turned out with an assortment of tools ready to tackle the overgrown courtyard and path way on the northern side of the building, and the signage and café barriers at the front.


Committee secretary Jenny Drenkhahn was on hand to ensure all participants were properly registered, and after site supervisor Peter Whiter gave the induction, the group got to work.


As they say, many hands make light work, and after about an hour and a half, our Australasia was looking considerably more loved.


Once down tools was called and the bee wound up, volunteers headed to Sprout, where Karen Lott and her wonderful staff shouted coffee for participants.

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